Interaktívna projekcia riešiaca problematiku postupného miznutia a vymierania svetlušiek.Snaží sa upozorniť na tento problém práve ovládaním chovania tohto hmyzu, a núti diváka uvedomiť si jeho priamy dopad a vplyv na samotnú prírodu.
Vytvorené v rámci festivalu PARK CAMP VII 2020 v spolupráci s Martinom Kudlom.
This interactive projection is engaged by the problem of gradually disappearing and extinction of fireflies, the small lighting insect, which is specific for the area of parks or woods. Lampyridae projection points out to this problem by allowing the viewer to interact with these fireflies and their behaviour. The main aim of this project is to realise what kind of consequences the human behaviour has on nature, on whole ecosystem.
Created on festival PARK CAMP VII 2020 in cooperation with Martin Kudla.
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