
Trans I. Ostracoda
realtime performative projecthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0UdK7W_6Cw
Fascinated by form of biological life processes and software language, Im trying to find a meeting point, analyze intelligence in different live form including human and opened questions offered as a starting point for discussion, future visions about future of life, ethics of scientific intrusion into exclusivity of the nature, division between natural and artificial life.
Research is based on study of Ostracoda organism which sense their surroundings using sensilla (hairs or bristles) which project through the carapace via pore canals.
Manipulation of my work is based on sampling the programming environment where data is split into parts. Biological microscope detects active movement of the Ostracoda body, digitally connected with software and programming environment VVVV in the form of a digital image . Important factor plays a real time in which the data is manipulated . Based on the digital image pixels detailed analysis via the RGB color model . Pixel in this case serves as a tool for sampling . These values are used to create an algorithm that distorts GUI operating system Windows. interference in the environment is observed and reflected on the desktop computer desktop, which consists of coexisting windows , objects and elements , which is a fundamental principle of current digital technologies . This is a collection of windows based on the actual design of the digital environment . Data numerical representation may be all the elements that are on the screen in some way.
link na dokumentáciu prezentácie práce
Vo svojej práci sa zaoberám skúmaním digitálnym obrazu, softvérom, a komunikáciou medzi technickým jazykom a biologickými životnými prejavmi.Zhotovený konštrukt pozostávajúci z monokulárneho biologického mikroskopu a digitálneho fotoaparátu s počítačom kde je objekt reprezentovaný ako čísla, a je transformovaný na počítacové data, ktoré môžu byt modifikované pomocou softvéru. Stáva sa tak objektom algoritmickej manipulácie.
Manipulácia je založená na samplovaní v programovacom prostredí. Biologický mikroskop zaznamená aktívny pohyb Ostracody. Je digitálne prepojený so softvérom a programovacím prostredím VVVV v podobe digitálneho obrazu. Dôležitý faktor tu zohráva reálny čas v ktorom sú data manipulované. Na základe získaných pixelov digitálny obrazu podrobujem analýze cez farebný model RGB. Pixel v tomto prípade slúži ako nástroj na samplovanie. Tieto hodnoty využívam na vytvorenie algoritmu ktorý narúša grafické rozhranie operačného systému Windows. zásah do jeho softvérového prostredia je pozorovateľný a prejaví sa na desktopovej ploche pocítača ktorá pozostáva z koexistujúcich okien,objektov a elementov, čo je základným princípom súčasných digitálnych technológií. Ide o kolekciu okien vychádzajúcich zo samotného dizajnu digitálneho prostredia. ďaka číselnej reprezentácii môžu byť všetky elementy, ktoré sú na obrazovke, v určitom vzťahu.spájanie technického softvérového jazyka ktorý inklinuje k ovládaniu a presnosti s biologickým životom v primitívnej forme. V prostredí VVVV ide o vizuálne programovanie kde ide o efektívne automatickú generáciu akcie, na základe grafických podnetov reagujúcich v nami zadanom intervale hodnôt. V tomto prípade prebieha program simultánne s jeho "stavaním" a každá akcia nesie okamžite odozvu v podobe spusteného rendera, tzv. real time. blokov ktoré sa vetvia.
This project deals with the examination of digital image, software , and communication between technical language and biological life. Construct consisting of monocular biological microscope and a digital camera connected to computer. Real time digital image represents the object of algorithmic manipulation.
which is based on sampling in programming environment where data is split into parts. Biological microscope detects active movement of the body , which arises as a result of " spillover " cytoplasm is digitally connected with software and programming environment VVVV in the form of a digital image . Important factor plays a real time in which the data is manipulated . Based on the digital image pixels detailed analysis via the RGB color model . Pixel in this case serves as a tool for sampling . These values are used to create an algorithm that distorts GUI operating system Windows. interference in the environment is observed and reflected on the desktop computer desktop, which consists of coexisting windows , objects and elements , which is a fundamental principle of current digital technologies . This is a collection of windows based on the actual design of the digital environment . Data numerical representation may be all the elements that are on the screen in some way.
Preparation is used in the project is unicellular organisms from the culture medium. unicellular organisms is adapted to perform all functions necessary for life . Cell element is therefore at a higher level of organization than multicellular organism cells because they carry only part of the functions of the body. combining technical software language which tends to control and precision of biological life in a primitive form.

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