Visual Composition at Voice from the Cen
Visual Composition (1987) vystavená v TreeWalls v Chicago (USA) po 25 rokoch.http://three-walls.org/programs/threewallsx/voices-from-the-center.php
Voices from the Center
October 28 - December 10, 2011
Opening Reception: October 28. 2011, 6-9 PM
Through the multiform project, Voices From the Center, Janeil Engelstad interviewed Central Europeans about life during and after communism. The participants included writers, former dissidents, teachers, artists, politicians and villagers from rural areas. Interviews with artists include reflections about how their creative process changed and how their work has been influenced by different political systems. Concurrent with these interviews were conversations with young adults, who had been children when the wall came down, about their views of life in the post-communist era. While some young people relegated communism to the history books, others saw parallels between their own lives and the older generations. People from both groups talked about what freedom meant to them and had the opportunity to express their dreams, fears and hopes for themselves, their country and the world. Together these conversations begin to create a portrait of a people emerging from one political and cultural era into another. Unique versions of the project have been presented throughout Slovakia and the United States and on www.voicesfromthecenter.net. Voices From the Center contributes to the shaping of our collective, global experience. Sharing these stories through the lens of social documentary and art creates an opportunity for the audience to learn and understand in ways that otherwise might not be possible.
For the threewalls production of Voices From the Center, Engelstad is presenting her interviews and photographs in a site-specific installation. The piece will also include images and texts from interviews with people of Central European descent living in Chicago about their pursuit and perception of the American Dream. Documentation of artwork that was created in protest against the socialist regimes by artists such as Rudolf Sikora and Michal Murin will be presented with excerpts from their interviews. Photographs, by Miklós Surányi, that examine Hungarian society since the fall of the Berlin Wall will be shown alongside Ms Engelstad’s interview with him about this work. The exhibition will also feature work curated by Engelstad and produced specifically for threewalls, by emerging Central European artists and designers that address the project themes. Artists include Grafixpol, Oto Hudec, Magda Stanová, Miklós Surányi, Matej Vakula, and Tehnica Schweiz.
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Michal Murin: http://three-walls.org/about/history-and-mission/
Oct 10 2011, 21:10