http://kalendarakcii.bratislava.sk/vismo/akce.asp?id_org=700021&id=3307Milan Adamčiak a Michal Murin
Galéria Cypriána Majerníka, Bratislava
14.11 - 22. 12. 2009
Audiovisual performance collective. Formed in 1989 by and around Milan Adamčiak as an open essemble of two or more members - professional and non-professional musicians, composers, authors of musical and audio-visual projects. The group began its activities with a series of music performances in the connection with individual and collective exhibitions of contemporary Slovak artists, particularly non preferred. First performance: 15 October 1989 at the exhibition of art group Gerulata in Rusovce. Others included Querdurch (febr.1990), Art Against Totality exhibition, Six "fortitude" artists, retrospective of Juraj Meliš, Vladimír Popovič, Convergentions festival, Third Festival of Alternative Art, FIT and others. Dissolved in 1996.
Founder members: Milan Adamčiak, Peter Horváth, Peter Machajdík, Michal Murin
Members: Peter Cón, Martin Burlas, Michaela Czinegeová, Zuzana Géczová, Daniel Matej, Vladimír Popovič, Oľga Smetanová, Peter Strassner, Peter Zagar, Juraj Bartusz, Zbynek Prokop.
Guest Members: Ľubo Burgr, Marek Piaček, Ivan Csudai, Eduard Krekovič, Vadimír Bokes, Juraj Ďuriš ...
Group member: Balvan
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Michal Murin: http://tv.sme.sk/v/12956/v-90-tych-rokoch-sme-mali-na-slovensku-ciernu-dieru.html
Apr 06 2012, 19:09