Interview - Media art history
Interview with Michal Murin in 3/4 magazine
Special bilingual issue of 3/4 magazine dedicated to media art history. Serves as a catalogue for a travelling exhibition Remake. It brings, for the first time, interviews done by Dušan Barok with today’s key personalities and history makers of media art from Central and Eastern Europe (Diana McCarty, Michal Murin, Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits, Călin Man). Interviews are complemented by a passage from monograph, entitled Dialogue with Daemons of Tools from theorist Lenka Dolanová, short views of art scenes in Ukraine and Iceland and appendix showing the process of creation of works for above mentioned exhibition ////////// http://www.34.sk/
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Michal Murin: Reakcia: http://branofrx.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/bajkalska-20-presov/
Nov 03 2012, 22:27