10 x 10 exhibition, ECC - BWA, Wroclaw
ALTRUISM as ARTRUISMArchív solidarity
Social curating – an ongoing project of Michal Murin of the artist Milan Adamčiak
Social curating – in the sense of “taking care” of his friend and collaborator Milan Adamčiak – includes the real help to the artist (started in 2005) that culminated last year when Murin organized the collection of money for buying Adamčiak a small cottage after he became homeless. Murin appropriates the strategies of a gallerist and intervenes to the art market. In Wroclaw he will present Milan Adamčiak´s work by playing with the dominant format of presenting the neoavantgarde artist created by the network of Soros intellectuals and curators - namely through the archive and a joined presentation of the two generations of artists from 60´s and 90´s, in which the heritage is transmitted to the younger artist.
Ivana Komanická, 2011
Michal Murin is also curating Adamčiak s exhibitions, concerts, artistic talks, auction strategies, writes a book and articles about his works etc. Here you can find more about all ongoing project: http://www.silberkuppe.org/Adamciak_A3.pdf
In 2011 Murin publisched a selection of Adamčiak´s experimental poetry from 1964 till 1972. ISBN 978-80-970848-1-3
Michal Murin:
Recenzia knihy v SME http://kultura.sme.sk/c/6322858/nie-je-jama-ako-jama.html
V predaji: https://www.pantarhei.sk/knihy/adamciak-milan/archiv-i-experimentalna-poezia1964-1972
Michal Murin: HORE BEZ - Adamčiak v Tranzite, 2012: http://tv.sme.sk/v/24468/na-zlatych-pieskoch-mozete-vidiet-hudbu-apocut-obrazy.html
Jun 10 2012, 15:42Pridať komentár
Michal Murin: More at pane No 6 in that pdf:
Oct 20 2011, 13:16http://www.jachimowicz2006.republika.pl/gazeta/nr18merkuriusz.pdf