
Hladina / Surface
VIDEO at Nuit Blanche 2010 in Košice, Slovakia is here:http://vimeo.com/akjetam/hladina
VIDEO at Skyway 2011 in Toruň, Poland is here:
VIDEO at Divadelna Nitra 2011, Nitra, is here:
Audiovizuálny projekt Hladina s prvkami tanca. Hladina predstavuje voľný povrch kvapaliny, ale v prenesenom význame označuje aj určité hranice, prípadne hodnoty. A práve životné hodnoty a momenty analyzuje projekt Hladina. Na Hlavnej ulici v Košiciach nainštalovaná vaňa symbolizuje maternicu, ktorá je naplnená malými guličkami nasiaknutými vodou. Do vane je neustále projektovaný videoobraz, v ktorom sa objavujú archívne found footage výjavy z tehotenstava - zrod človeka. Tie sú strihovo narúšané zábermi z vojny - utrpenie, zánik človeka. Vo videofilme, v ktorom sú vyobrazené postupne všetky vývojové štádia od spermií cez embriá až po malé dieťa je dominantným prvkom prelínanie – splývanie. Farebný obraz sa postupne mení na čiernobiely a opäť naopak, rovnako aj zábery vzniku sa menia na zábery demolácie a chaosu. Červené svetlo umiestnené pod vaňou symbolizuje krv aj materskú lásku iba dotvára túto rozpoltenú atmosféru. V Hladine formou súčasného tanca - performance v určitých častiach improvizuje tanečníčka Martina Beňačková, ktorá pohybom komunikuje a zároveň narúša obraz. Je oblečená v bielej obtiahnutej kombinéze, a teda pri minimalistických tanečných prvkoch sa časť filmu zámerne premieta aj na nej. Predstavuje akýsi jednotiaci živý prvok, ktorý sa snaží o symbiózu ľudstva. No však márne, pretože ľudstvo ostáva nepoučiteľné a dieťa sa postupne rodí do skazy.
Hladina (projekt pre Nuit Blanche 2010, Košice)
videoinštalácia, performance, súčasný tanec / videoinstallation, performance, contemporary dance
autor projektu + projekcia / author + projection:
Lukáš Matejka
tanec / dance:
Martina Beňačková
The project Surface signifies the free levels of liquid material. But in other words it marks the nonspecific borders or values of a man. Thus the life values and moments in life are being analyzed within this project called Surface. What is it all about? There is bathtub as a main article which demonstrates the uterus that is filled with small balls saturated with water. Also there is a videomotion being projected into the tube, whereas archive found footage of pregnancy – the child birth been displayed. However these images are being interrupted by the theme of war that represents suffering and the end of human race. The video film contains all the developing stages of the child beginning with the sperm, embryo till the small child. This sequence illustrates the merging and intersection of the life itself. The colored image is getting changed sequentially to black & white and vice versa. In the same manner are shown the video shots of creation which are transferring to the video shots of demolation and chaos. Also there is a red light installed next to the bathtub which symbilizes blood and maternity love at one place that is the major element of this diverse atmosphere.
Martina Beňáčková as the dancer improvises and communicates with the contemporary dance performance and simultanously crashes the image of videomotion. She wears the white tight overall dress, so that’s why the video-image is being shown on her parts of the body too. This dancing human body involvement demonstrates the uniting vivid element something like symbiosis of the humanity. Unfortunately this intervention which tries to get things the positive way doesn’t generate the desired outcome of love and happiness because people are incorrigible and that’s why the child is being born into the unknown future.

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