Tak ešte raz

Na tému „Zajtra bude opäť dnes“ reagujem  videom ilustrujúcim deja vú.
Známy okamih, kedy niekoľko napohľad náhodných komponentov do seba zapadne a my máme pocit, že sme to zažili. Naozaj sme to už prežili alebo len kdesi započuli, prečítali, videli, uložili do podvedomia, aby sme to neskôr prevzali za svoje? Patria tieto okamihy skutočne nám alebo kolektívnemu podvedomiu naprieč časom?

"Once again"

What is Déjà vu? A familiar moment, when several seemingly random components falls together, giving us a certain sense of experience. But have we truly experienced it, or just heard it, read it, seen it, stored into our subconsciousness to later claim it as ours? Do these moments really belong to us or to the collective subconsciousness across time?
I worked with international found footage of guides, TV news, movies and family recording layered one on top of the other.



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