Videoprojekcia demonštruje katarziu, nežnosť, metafyzickú rovinu bytia, odklon od telesnoti. Kvetiny sú ready-madeovými atribútmi zozbieranými z miest večného odpočinku, ktoré ma ale neviažu ku konkrétnym zosnulým.Iinštalácia je sprevádzaná autorskou hudbou.
Transformation II
The work consists of 20 photographs divided into 4 thematic sets which are
accompanied with a video installation that brings the work together as a whole.
The thematic sets correspond with the four key words from Changing by Liv Ulmann
– Love, Loneliness, Human and Woman. The photographs were taken approximately
through the last year as a photo diary – a personal intimate confession. The pieces
reflect feelings of boundlessness, sorrow, pain – yet with a sudden desire for a
purification, for a search of love and the Self, desire for a return to one's own spiritual
and physical nature, to the bones as archetypal picture of the origin, savageness.
They reflect longing for a naturality and purity which perhaps can be found only in a
waking nature; returning to atmospheric, in some places historicizing pictures of
dreams which occupied my mind for a few years. The video projection demonstrates
catharsis, tenderness, metaphysical plane of being, the divide from the physical.
The flowers are a ready-made attributes taken from places of eternal rest . which are
not connected to certain deceased. Installation is accompanied with author's music.
35 mm color and b&w negative film, videoinstallation, spray color, 2015

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